Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sundar's Music Theraphy

Music therapy is the use of music in a therapeutic environment to promote medical, relaxation, and create a full understanding of the health and well-being. Music therapists work in various settings, including psychiatry, medicine, education, Gerontology and wellness .. Music therapists work with all ages, including very young children and the elderly.

How Music Therapy Works

Music produces a strong emotional reaction in most people. The music can bring a lamb or a sense of soothing you calma, according to the style of music. Studies show even music can not only affect mood, but your heart rate, respiration and blood pressure levels.

Music therapists often use music as a form of communication. In this sense, music is almost a form of language, communication through rhythm, melody and rhythm. Music therapy has been used in this sense to help people physically and mentally disabled to speak. It is also used to help autistic and schizophrenic talk easier.


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