Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nanotechnologies and Medical Research

Advances in medical technology, necessarily depends on the understanding of living systems. By the nature of the products listed above, we must be able to explore and analyze the systems they live in greater detail than ever thought possible.

Autonomous molecular machines that operate with the human body able to control the levels of various compounds and to store information in internal memory. You can determine the time and place. Therefore, the information may be collected on the changing conditions inside the body, and that the information could be linked to the place and time of collection. Physical samples of small volume (nano tissue samples) may also be taken.

These molecular machines could then be filtered by the supply of blood and stored information (and samples) could be analyzed. This will provide a framework for activities in healthy tissue or injured. This new knowledge will give us new perspectives and new approaches to treat patients and to heal the wounds.


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